Sudden Death Syndrome In Soybeans
Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is caused by the soil borne fungus
Fusarium solani. Soil borne pathogens enter into host plants through the
root system. Therefore, foliar fungicides would not control SDS.
Sudden Death Syndrome foliage symptoms begin in the upper canopy
after reproductive development begins. Symptoms include yellow blotches
between leaf veins that turn reddish brown in the center. The leaf veins
will stay green (see photos). Leaf tissue will dry and leaves will curl
upwards. Typically SDS is found in patches in a field. Similar symptoms
can be caused by stem canker and brown stem rot, but neither of these
diseases are common in Missouri.
Conditions favoring Sudden Death Syndrome include high soil moisture
during vegetative growth stages and frequently associated with below
normal temperatures at or near bloom. SDS may be found in both upland
and river bottom fields. However, do not hold off on irrigating beans
that are filling pods. SDS is usually found in patches; therefore,
manage the rest of the field for maximum yield. Infection is sometimes
associated with fields that have Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN). If you
planted a variety susceptible to SCN or have never tested a field for
SCN, you may consider sampling this fall after harvest.
Losses associated with Sudden Death Syndrome will range from trace
losses up to 80 percent loss depending on variety and when symptoms
first appear. The later it appears, less yield loss associated. Most
common yield loss range is 5 – 15 percent.
Management options are limited to variety selection, improving
drainage, staggering planting dates, avoid continuous soybeans, avoid
crop stress and timely harvest. For more information contact University
of Missouri Extension and ask for IPM Guide 1002, “Soybean Diseases.” ∆
DR. ANTHONY OHMES: Agronomy Specialist, University of Missouri