Plan Ahead To Make Profitable Decisions About Rice Disease Management
I hear some saying that the crop season in 2014 will be a “normal”
one following such a severe winter. Although I did not like the winter,
my wish is that the cold temperature has effectively suppressed rice
pathogens. However, since we cannot be sure of this and the source of
inoculum for all diseases is not soil, we need to plan ahead to minimize
disease risk. Below are some tips to help you make profitable decisions
concerning rice disease management.
Know the history of each field
Disease management starts by planting the correct variety to your
individual fields. In doing so, each of your fields will reach their
maximum productivity with minimal risk. However, this means planting
more than one or two varieties across fields.
Carefully select your varieties
If any of your fields have a history of diseases such as blast,
kernel smut, false smut, or bacterial panicle blight, and you run late
in planting, hybrids would be better candidates. Hybrids have the best
disease resistance of current rice varieties. However, fertile,
wide-open fields with very good water supply will benefit if planted
early with Clearfield or conventional pure-line varieties such as CL151,
CL111, CL152, Taggart, or Roy J, among others. Refer to MP 192, Table
11-1 Arkansas Rice Production Handbook page 126 for disease reactions of
commercial varieties.
Understand that soil types of your fields can impact variety emergence and performance
There are variations in seedling emergence among varieties in
different soils. If you know your fields and varieties, matching them
accordingly would be beneficial. To reduce seed rotting by soil fungi,
planting high-quality seeds treated with appropriate fungicides and
insecticide is recommended. Seed treatments encourage emergence and help
with seedling vigor. Vigorously growing seedlings can better withstand
early spring adverse conditions. Gibberellic acid seed treatments may
also be beneficial in fields with a history of poor emergence,
particularly if you are planting a variety with moderate to weak
seedling vigor. Before planting, make sure the seeds are all uniformly
covered with the seed treatments. As seedling diseases are complex, use
the higher rate of seed treatment containing mefenoxam, fludioxonil,
metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, either individually or in combinations of
two fungicides, for early planting or severe disease situations. The
extent of seedling vigor and early season stand can be good predictors
of the prospect of the field in the season. The blast fungus survives
in various ways but can also be seedborne. To reduce seedborne blast,
research suggests application of the fungicide azoxystrobin (e.g.
Dynasty) to the seed at a rate above 0.75 fl oz per cwt. However, note
that this seed treatment will not guarantee protection later in the
season for later stage blast such as neck blast. Therefore, we encourage
regular field scouting, proper flood management, and foliar fungicides
as needed. (See MP154 for fungicides and MP144 for insecticides.) To
read more on rice seedlings go to 2013 Plan ahead to minimize rice
seedling diseases.
Plant at suitable time
If weather permits, plant early. Early planting provides adequate
length of time for maximum potential of vegetative and reproductive
growth resulting in better yield and quality. A better crop stand
usually equates to better disease tolerance. Moreover, early planting
gives your crop a better chance of escaping diseases such as blast,
bacterial panicle blight, and false smut that are normally encouraged by
late weather conditions.
Balance nutrients/ soil fertility
Research has shown that diseases can be managed with balanced
nutrition. In situations where excessive pre-flood nitrogen is applied,
diseases such as sheath blight, blast, kernel smut, and false smut,
among others, have been seen to severely damage yield and quality.
Recent findings have indicated that bacterial panicle blight increases
with excessive nitrogen. Soil testing for nitrogen level and appropriate
application of fertilizers is highly recommended. Adequate soil
potassium has been determined to reduce stem rot, brown spot, sheath
blight, and possibly bacterial panicle blight. We need to pay special
attention to fields with a history of one or more of these diseases.
Manage your field with sufficient water
Before planting decide how much land can be effectively irrigated
without stressing your rice crop. If you do not have adequate water to
flood your rice, you should consider a rotational crop for some of your
fields. Adequate water is vital for rice development from germination
until physiological maturity. The reproductive stage of rice is greatly
affected by a shortage of water. The “drain and dry “strategy for
autumn decline or straighthead management requires caution because the
stress placed on plants as a result of this management strategy can be
exacerbated by insufficient water. A common mistake is to plant too much
rice in fields with inadequate water capacity during the hot dry summer
months – when the crop needs more irrigation.
Know the appropriate fungicides for common diseases and check ahead for availability
The primary disease management options are using resistant varieties
and cultural methods. The use of fungicides should be the final option.
Prophylactic (protective) application for sheath blight is not
recommended. Scout and apply fungicides only when needed. Protective
fungicides are applied based on the history of the field, the variety,
and your management with soil fertility. Fungicides are most effective
on well-managed rice and may fail where too much nitrogen, too little
potassium, or poor irrigation management practices have been utilized.
These conditions can make the rice crop simply too susceptible to
control disease.
Time your fungicide application with the right rate and product
Fungicides need to be applied at the right rate and time to provide
the most benefit in your well managed fields. In order to get the
desired level of disease suppression, foliar fungicides need to be mixed
with adequate amounts of water to provide good coverage. Lower rates
either are ineffective or would suppress the disease for a shorter
duration compared to the recommended rate. Make sure you are using the
correct product. Consult the MP154 or your county agents for more
DR. YESHI WAMISHE: Extension Rice Plant Pathologist, University of Arkansas