Ear Tag Management In Cattle Can Enhance Herd And Improve Record Keeping
Ear tags serve are important to the beef industry as a means of
individual animal identification. There are other identification methods
used like: tattoos, freeze brands, hot iron brands, brisket tags, horn
brands and others.
“Some of the other methods have limitations and are seldom are used,
compared to the ear tag,” said Eldon Cole, a University of Missouri
Extension livestock specialist. “Even though a high percentage of beef
cows and calves in southwest Missouri have tags in their ears, the real
benefits of ear tags may not be fully realized.”
A number of steps can be taken in regard to ear tags that Cole says would enhance their value in any herd.
Ear tags in use.
Lots of ear tags to pick from.
Photo credits: MU Extension
Numbers and Colors
For example, Cole says to keep the numbering system used on the tags
basic. A combination of the alphabet and numerals is widely accepted.
The 2014 calf crop's year letter code is B in combination with the birth
order, 1, 2, 3 etc. The 2015 letter code is C.
Give calves a unique number, not their dam’s number or your grandchildren’s name.
Do not change numbers. “Some producers tag calves at birth with a
small tag. If a heifer goes into their replacement pool, they re-tag
them with a larger tag and a different number so they don’t duplicate
their dam’s number,” said Cole.
When selecting tag colors, be sure the tag and ink color are
readable. Research has shown that black ink on a yellow tag is hard to
Using different tag colors to designate sires is okay so long as a
unique number is placed on the tag. “I’ve seen herds in which the tag
color became the way to distinguish between two #24’s. One may be a blue
24 and the other one black 24. Of course when they come through the
chute they could both end up as B24,” said Cole.
Placement and Use
Do not include the calf's life history on the front of the tag. “Use
the back of the tag if you want to include sire, dam and birth date,”
said Cole.
Use good penmanship on tags. “If you print your own information on
the tag, make sure whoever does it made an A in penmanship in school,
don’t try to write the number on the tag while the animal is in the head
chute slinging their head around,” said Cole.
Tag placement is best in the center of the ear or slightly toward the
head. Tags are lost from pullouts if they’re located too low or too far
out toward the tip of the ear. “If long hair in the ears causes
readability problems, clip the hair when they are in the chute since
it’s cheaper than a new tag,” said Cole.
Backup identification comes in handy in case of lost tags. Tattoos or
brands serve well if they’re readable or consider placing a tag in each
Tagging male calves in one ear and females in the other at birth is a step that can aid in sorting sexes later.
Keep all forms of identification consistent. “I’ve been on farms
where the animal had three different numbers, one in one ear, a
different one in the other ear and a freeze brand with a third number,”
said Cole. “It was hard to tell which one is the primary
Cole says if a producer buys animals with meaningless numbered tags
to their heard, remove them. “This happens when cattle are bought with
lot numbers in their ears. We tag Missouri Show-Me-Select heifers with a
number we use to track later performance so leave those tags in place,”
said Cole.
Other Considerations
Don’t get your tags from the local sale barn, vet clinic or locker
plant. “I’m a believer in cutting costs, but a $1.25 tag to put in a
$1500 to $2000 cow or her $900 calf isn’t a bad investment,” said Cole.
If using fly tags, consider placing them on the back side of the ear
to prevent covering up the ID tags when placed in the same ear.
Keep an ear tag knife handy at the head chute to remove unnecessary tags, especially insecticidal tags that have been spent.
Consider a well-tagged set of calves a marketing tool. “Prospective
bidders will assume if they’re well-tagged with a system, they likely
have good genetics and management behind them,” said Cole.
More Information
For questions regarding within herd identification, contact any of
the MU Extension livestock specialists in southwest Missouri: Eldon Cole
in Mt. Vernon, (417) 466-3102, Andy McCorkill in Dallas County at (417)
345-7551, Dr. Patrick Davis in Cedar County at (417) 276-3313 or Logan
Wallace in Howell County at (417) 256-2391.∆