Burndown StrategiesWith The Calendar Running Out and Crop Mix in Question
This spring has been almost
180 degrees different
from last spring. The
dry spring of 2012 allowed a
lot of early field work and at
this time we were in the middle
of corn planting. This
spring we are way behind on
applying burndowns due to
all the wet weather. With the crunch to get
burndowns out there have been a lot of calls on
how best to proceed burning down particularly
now with some looking to adjust their crop mix
from corn to more cotton.
This spring with all the cold weather marestail
is just starting to green back up. That marestail
is still small and makes it easier to control than
it was this time last year and gives us some
good options. Glyphosate mixed with either
Dicamba, 2,4-D or Sharpen would all be good
choices here regardless of what crop is to be
planted. Glyphosate mixed with Verdict would
be a good choice if the field is to be planted to
corn or soybean. As the marestail begins to bolt
over the next week to 10 days then higher rates
of the products mentioned above should be utilized.
Another good option would be a tankmix
of Sharpen + pt of 2,4-D on large marestail.
The next question that comes up is if a residual
herbicide should go into the mix and if so
which one? There is no across the board answer
to this question. The answer depends upon two
main things. First, what crop is expected to be
planted? If the field is to go to corn and the field
is expected to be planted around April 1 then a
residual may not be needed. If your corn program
is a planned two pass (which is the most
consistent way to go) then a qt of atrazine or
simazine with crop oil or Gramoxone will allow
a clean start.
Second, what is the expected time frame of
planting? If the field is slated to go to soybean or
cotton and may not be planted for 4 to 6 weeks
then some kind of residual makes sense. The
two most common are Valor or Leadoff. Both
will do a good job providing residual control on
winter annual weeds like horseweed. However, if
Palmer amaranth is the main concern then
Valor would be the best fit. Please note if you
plan to use the new premix of Fierce which contains
Valor and pyroxasulfone, that only 3 ozs of
Valor can be utilized in soybean. If Fierce is to
be used then in most cases Leadoff or another
residual herbicide at burndown would be the
way to go. Please also note that the plant back
to cotton or soybean after a 1.5 oz/A Leadoff application
is 30 days. Δ
DR. LARRY STECKEL: Extension Weed Specialist,
University of Tennessee