Products And Practices That Work, Situations That Don’t
Many different products
and practices are used
in farming operations.
There are products and practices
that have been proven
over time, but their use cannot
always be justified. There
are two basic ways to improve
profit in farming operations.
The first is to increase yields while maintaining
input costs. The other is to maintain yields and
reduce production costs.
A very straight forward example is the use of
glyphosate. It is a proven chemical that has
been around for years. There have become resistance
issues coming into play, but it is still a
proven product. Why would you spray this
product on a field that has no vegetation present?
Hopefully most producers would not do
this since it is a waste of chemical and money.
If this did occur, it would increase production
cost with no benefit in yield.
The second situation comes closer to home for
many producers, and that is the issue of subsoiling.
The fall of 2010 resulted in many acres
of crop land being subsoiled, mostly due to an
early harvest and plenty of time and nice
weather for this operation. Subsoiling is a practice
that is proven to work only if the situation
warrants. If multiple penetrometer resistance
(PR) values are greater than 300 psi throughout
a field, then there is a good likelihood that a favorable
response will result. However, if the field
does not show these high PR values then,
hardly ever, a positive yield response is found.
This will cost the producer money for diesel fuel,
labor to conduct the operation, equipment wear,
and potentially reduce soil organic matter for
that field. This costs unnecessary expense and
reduces profit.
The final example is the use of fertilizers and
other nutrient sources. Poultry litter and other
animal manures are applied for the nutrients
contained in the manure and to increase soil organic
matter. The use of poultry litter is proven
to provide nutrients, improve soil physical properties,
and utilizes a “waste product” that has
to be disposed of by some method. Land application
of poultry litter is a good mechanism to
utilize this product. Over time, the buildup of
soil nutrients, particularly phosphorus, can
reach levels of environmental concerns. Therefore,
if animal manures are applied to fields with
high or excessive amounts of soil nutrients, the
nutrients contained in the litter will not be utilized
efficiently. Further, the potential for negative
environmental consequences are increased.
Use soil tests to guide application rates of nutrients
and match applications with the proper
products. No one would apply DAP to corn if
only nitrogen was needed to optimize yield. It
costs too much per unit of N and could increase
P in the soil to excessive levels. Essentially this
is occurring often with the use of animal manures
and other complete fertilizer products.
In summary, there are many products and
practices that have been proven over time to
work. Just because a product is effective, does
not indicate it is appropriate for your particular
situation. Make sure that the situation warrants
their use. You could not only be increasing production
costs resulting in reduced profits, but
creating environmental concerns that will end
up costing all producers in the long run. Δ
DR. EDWIN RITCHEY: Extension Soils Specialist,
University of Kentucky