Research On Insecticides Promising

New Products Being Developed

   Actively looking for alternatives to pyrethroid insecticides for use against rice water weevil’s and stinkbugs in rice crops is just one of Dr. Mike Stout’s four areas of research at the Louisiana State University AgCenter Rice Research Station. A research entomologist, Stout is focusing on five insecticides that the station is evaluating. Two of those insecticides, available to farmers under “Section 18” registrations, are Trebon and Dermacor. Trebon is a pyrethroid like granular put out by Mitsui Chemicals and Dermacor is a seed treatment put out by DuPont.
   “Then we also have three other products that are not available yet and are still in the developmental phase,” said Stout, “two of these are seed treatments, one from Syngenta and one from Valent with the last one being a granular formulation of a neonicotonoid insecticide called Dinotefuran.”
   “In terms or our insecticide evaluations for rice water weevil, our emphasis this year is on water seeded rice because as of now there is not a good solution for water seeded rice,” said Stout.
   “Next we are looking at the impact of these insecticides on crawfish production. What we are doing is trying to develop ways to integrate pest management with crawfish production,” said Stout.
   According to Stout, currently registered insecticides are extremely toxic to crawfish. Farmers who intend on cultivating crawfish in their rice fields must let a certain amount of time pass before introduction of crawfish into the rice paddies.
   “The rotation in most cases is a two year rotation where the rice will be cultivated and then the crawfish production phase will follow,” said Stout, “the crawfish production in rice fields relies on indigenous populations of crawfish to some extent. The mortality of crawfish that occurs in the first year can affect the following crawfish crop.”
   “A third area of research being conducted at the station is a series of experiments in which we are looking at the impact of cultural practices or agronomic practices on rice water weevil management,” said Stout.
   “We examined the impact of depth of flood on rice water weevil infestations and found that shallow floods were associated with lower populations of rice water weevil larvae,” said Stout.
   “I think that the most exciting thing happening is the impact these new insecticides are going to have,” said Stout. Δ  

Looking for alternatives to pyrethroid insecticides is Dr.Mike Stout, Research Entomologist at the Louisiana State University AgCenter Rice Research Station. Photo by John LaRose

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